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Vidéo Protection

Technical expertise

Videosurveillance or videoprotection is becoming an essential tool for the protection of property and people.


Modern means of communication provide quality images in real time; however some  technical problems do not allow to exploit the full capacity of the installed system.


NTECHNOLOGIES has expertise in the deployment of video protection systems and offers technical assistance on:


  • The choice of cameras and their configuration

  • Camera positioning

  • Understanding the glare caused by lighting transitions

  • Network capabilities

  • Record storage capacities

  • The configuration of VMS systems and recorders

  • User / operator training

Vidéo Protection

The nomad camera: a complementary tool

The mobile camera can be deployed to cover sensitive areas.


During a public demonstration, the police are under tension and require strategic visualization to prevent delinquency or risky behavior.


The mobile camera can be deployed to monitor remote areas and record the offense.


Besides the pollution caused by an illegal landfill, cleaning it up is an expensive operation for the city. The difficulty is to identify the offender (s)  or to find a flagrant offense.



The mobile camera can be redeployed to monitor a strategic area as part of an investigation or temporary protection of your asset or people.


Certain situations may require 24/7 surveillance for a specific duration.



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